“LOLIPOP is a photonic integration project that aims
to fill this gap, and enable
the silicon nitride platform
to make the next step and
fully flourish. “
Despite the huge progress by photonics, extended spectral bands at wavelengths below 1100 nm remain heavily underserved in terms of integration solutions. At the same time, the silicon nitride is booming and the lithium niobate is making an impressive comeback in the form of lithium niobate on insulator (LNOI), with both materials being transparent both in the visible and the NIR. With all these viewed as a unique opportunity, LOLIPOP steps in to develop a disruptive platform that will offer the highest integration, modulation and second order nonlinear performance in the entire spectrum from 400 up to 1600 nm, based on the combination of the LNOI and the silicon-nitride (TriPleX) technology.
The partners have been brought together due to their expertise and expected contributions to individual technical aspects of LOLIPOP project. Some of them are really irreplaceable in the sense that their expertise and technical infrastructure are unique in Europe, and thus absolutely necessary for achieving LOLIPOP objectives.
LOLIPOP partners join their forces to develop innovative solutions
Consortium members come from Greece, the Netherlands, Ireland, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland
5 SMEs
PHIX, Superlum, Optagon, QuiX and IRIDA are part of LOLIPOP consortium
LXI and Polytec are part of LOLIPOP consortium
CSEM, TYN and IMEC are the world renowned research and technology organizations that participate at LOLIPOP consortium
2 Academic Organizations
ICCS and UT are two partners with strong exploitation interests and channels
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Prof. Hercules Avramopoulos
Dr. Harry Zervos
Programme Call: HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01
Type of action: HORIZON-RIA
Project number: 101070441
EU contribution: € 4.996.729,25
Duration: 42 months
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or [name of the granting authority]. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.