LOLIPOP Project Plenary Meeting

The LOLIPOP plenary meeting was held on October 1-2, 2024, at the ICCS premises. Over these two days, participants engaged in productive discussions and made significant progress in advancing the project, with all partners actively contributing. The consortium, which includes ICCS/PCRL, LioniX, CSEM, PHIX, UCC, UTwente, Superlum, Optagon, Polytec, IMEC, QuiX, and Irida, took part […]
LOLIPOP module assembled by PHIX

Lithium niobate on insulator (LNOI) is a very promising PIC platform with a high electro-optic coefficient, enabling low-power and high-speed modulation, perfect for datacom needs. The latest module, assembled by PHIX for the LOLIPOP project, showcases the power of this technology. Built on an LNOI chip fabricated at CSEM’s TFLN foundry, it features 5 high-speed […]
New LOLIPOP 1064 nm narrow linewidth tunable laser

We’re thrilled to reveal our latest breakthrough: a 1064 nm tunable laser with 60 dB SMSR and only 1 dB coupling loss. This powerful laser delivers 10 dBm output power, ideal for applications like laser surgery, multiphoton neuroscience, optical communications, and vibrometry! This laser is available in a 14-pin butterfly package or can be directly […]
LOLIPOP Project M17 Plenary Meeting

🎯 We are thrilled to share the highlights of our recent milestone achieved at the M17 Plenary Meeting hosted by CSEM in Switzerland on the 17th and 18th of January. The LOLIPOP Project, under PCRL – Photonics Communications Research Laboratory‘s coordination, aims to revolutionize photonics by addressing the underserved spectral bands below 1100 nm. The […]
LOLIPOP Kick-Off Meeting

🎉 We are thrilled to announce the start of LOLIPOP Project! 👉🏽 The kick-off meeting took place on 6-7 October in Enschede, Netherlands at LioniX International premises. 🚩 Stay tuned for more to come!
LOLIPOP website is now online

LOLIPOP website is now online! Stay tuned for news and updates.